23 November 2020, zoom
As 7 years of SCCER Mobility slowly draw to an end, we invite you to this conference to present a synthesis of the competence center, to review the most relevant research results of each Capacity Area and conclude with an outlook on important future research topics. It will be an opportunity for our academic and industry partners to discuss the achieved results, establish new collaborations and identify future research needs in the fields of mobility and energy. There will be a keynote presentation, breakout sessions per Capacity Area, a panel discussion and the Best Poster Award. Prerecorded talks of each Capacity Area, posters and poster pitches will be available online for viewing 10 days prior to the conference.
Watch the videos and read the posters!
13.30 Introduction & welcome - Andrea Vezzini, Deputy Head SCCER Mobility
13.35 Keynote: Konstantinos Boulouchos, Head SCCER Mobility
14.10 Break
14.15 Breakout sessions: Review & thematic outlook of SCCER Mobility Capacity Areas
▪ Systems and Components for E-Mobility - Andrea Vezzini, BFH
▪ Chemical Energy Converters - Christian Bach, Empa
▪ Minimization of Vehicular Energy Demand - Véronique Michaud, EPFL
▪ Design, Demonstration and Dissemination of Systems for Sustainable Mobility - Martin Raubal, ETH Zurich
▪ Integrated Assessment of Mobility Systems - Stefan Hirschberg, PSI
15.10 Break
15.30 Summary breakout sessions: SCCER Mobility Capacity Areas
16.00 Panel discussion: Critical developments in the transportation sector and impact on CO2 emissions
Moderation: Konstantinos Boulouchos, Head SCCER Mobility
Panelists: ▪ Björn Bender, Swiss Federal Railways
▪ Luca Castiglioni, Swiss Federal Office of Energy
▪ Rainer Deutschmann, Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund
▪ Michael Frambourg, Volkswagen AG
16.45 Best Poster Award - Andrea Vezzini, Deputy Head SCCER Mobility
16.50 Closure & conclusions - Andrea Vezzini, Deputy Head SCCER Mobility
17.00 End
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