#REMforum 2020

  • 9/10/20 8:00 AM
  • Pascal Sonder

System Change, not Climate Change - Doing Business in a 1.5°C World

10 -11 September 2020, St.Gallen

The 11th St. Gallen Forum for Management of Renewable Energies (#REMforum) addresses the tectonic shifts that have happened in the climate debate over the last 12 months and their implications for management of renewable energies.
This year’s conference theme “System Change, not Climate Change - Doing Business in a 1.5oC World” will allow speakers from academia and business to explore what impact the #FridaysForFuture social movement has had on policymaking, and how businesses can align their investment strategies with climate targets and stakeholder expectations. Best practice cases for designing innovative business models and securing social acceptance of the energy transition will be discussed in plenary sessions and interactive workshops.
Moderated by national TV anchor Arthur Honegger and featuring a careful selection of international experts, #REMforum 2020 offers you an opportunity to reflect upon upcoming trends shaping the energy market and strengthen your network among dedicated professionals and influential thought leaders.
#REMforum is hosted by the Chair for Management of Renewable Energies at the University of St.Gallen, one of the leading European Business Schools.
Link: www.REMforum.ch

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