Power-to-product – perspectives for Switzerland

  • 7/15/19 9:00 AM
  • Kirsten Oswald

The SCCER Joint Activity presents its white paper on 8 July at ETH Zurich

The Swiss energy system is in transition and will face related challenges. While nuclear power plants will be phased out stepwise, electricity generation from sun and wind energy should partially fill this gap. At the same time, emissions of carbon dioxide from the energy system should be reduced to reach the climate goals of the Paris Agreement (limit global warming to below 2°C above preindustrial levels). Concretely for Switzerland this entails replacing fossil energy carriers in the transport and heating sectors. However, an electricity system based largely on intermittent renewable energy requires options for temporal flexibility to balance electricity generation and demand.

Power-to-Product (P2X), the electrochemical conversion of electricity into gaseous or liquid energy carriers or industrial feed material, can provide such flexibility.

In this context, the SCCER Joint Activity “Perspectives of Power-to-Product (P2X) Technology in Switzerland” was established. The goal of the effort was to synthesize state of the art knowledge on P2X technologies and assess the economic, environmental, regulatory challenges as well as its potential for the Swiss energy market. It was a collaborative effort between SCCER HaE, SCCER Mobility, SCCER CREST, SCCER BIOSWEET and SCCER FURIES. The resulting white paper was presented on 8 July 2019 at ETH Zurich and should help guide policy makers towards reaching the emission and power supply goals of the Swiss Energy Strategy 2050.

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