First SCCER Mobility working paper now completed and available online!

  • 5/17/17 6:30 AM
  • fiorella meyer

Comprehensive overview of strategies towards a sustainable future Swiss mobility system

The working paper entitled Towards an Energy Efficient and Climate Compatible Future Swiss Transportation System presents some of the results from the first funding period of the SCCER Mobility (2013-2016). It analyzes the current state of the Swiss transport sector and outlines possible paths towards a more sustainable mobility future, that is to say more energy efficient, climate- and environment-friendly.

In line with the Swiss Energy Strategy 2050, research groups within the SCCER Mobility representing various disciplines (engineering, natural and socio-economic sciences) assess sustainability of future mobility by using both energy demand and CO2 emissions as indicators.

Global greenhouse gas estimates of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and the goal of the Paris Agreement to contain rising global temperatures within 2°C compared to pre-industrial levels are converted to emission targets for the Swiss transport sector. Resulting projections indicate the need for a massive reduction of CO2 emissions per travelled distance. Possible transport development scenarios to reach these targets are elaborated and evaluated based on their economic, social and environmental impact.

To get the full story, please download your copy of the report here. Enjoy reading!

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