Again a prize for E-digger: European Solar Prize 2015

  • 11/23/15 10:00 AM
  • fiorella meyer

In addition to the Swiss Solar Prize 2015, the E-digger team has received the European Solar Prize 2015 with great pleasure in Prague on November 23.

  • Affentranger Bau AG has discovered the need for an e-digger and has co-financed the project with its pioneering spirit.
  • By supplying a digger, the Huppenkothen company has provided an additional important financing basis.
  • Prof. David Dyntar (academic cooperation partner of SCCER Mobility) has pushed the realization of the e-digger together with his students within the scope of ETH Zurich’s SUNCAR project.
  • Prof. Max Stöck of NTB, of the Interstate University of Applied Sciences of Technology Buchs, has contributed together with students to the production of the battery.

Prof. Max Stöck from NTB comments: "Only as a team could we be as successful."

For more information see:
Webpage European Solar Prize 2015
detailed description as pdf-document

For technical details of the E-digger see previous highlight "E-digger has won the Swiss Solar Prize 2015"

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