Wanted: innovative projects in mobility

  • 3/8/18 11:35 AM
  • Kirsten Oswald

KOMO call for proposals focusing on sustainable transport solutions open now

KOMO (“Koordinationsstelle für nachhaltige Mobilität”) is the Swiss federal coordination office for sustainable mobility, supported by the federal offices for spatial development (ARE), roads (ASTRA), environment (BAFU), transport (BAV), public health (BAG) and energy (BFE). Along with being the central point of contact for everything surrounding sustainable mobility, KOMO funds innovative projects. These deal with a wide range of topics including IT solutions for managing parking spaces or measures fostering the use of public transport. KOMO also provides information about finalized and ongoing projects and thus functions as a knowledge exchange platform for stakeholders.

KOMO accepts proposals two times per year (deadlines: 30 April and 31 October). The thematic focus for the upcoming deadline in April is “settlement development”. Project proposals within the focal area have a much higher chance of receiving funding. Generally, wanted are proposals showing high potential for the following:

  • Innovation and market uptake
  • Energy efficiency and CO2 emission reduction
  • No negative impacts on other areas of the environment
  • Positive effects for sustainable transport policy, the environment and public health

More information about KOMO, call conditions and criteria can be found here (in German, French or Italian) or in the KOMO brochure. Call documentation and application are available for download here.

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