SCCER Mobility’s first white paper

  • 9/11/17 4:01 PM
  • fiorella meyer

Synthesis of the Vision Development working paper

SCCER Mobility’s first white paper is a synthesis of its working paper Towards an Energy Efficient and Climate Compatible Future Swiss Transportation System and bears the same title in German. Like the full report, this condensed document sketches possible development paths for future mobility, which are consistent with the Swiss Energy Strategy 2050 and the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Written in German, the white paper is geared towards experts from politics and industry as well as the interested public. It intends to lay the foundation for an objective and knowledge-based discussion about how a sustainable future Swiss transport system could look like.

Download your copy here.

Please refer to the ETH Zukunftsblog contribution by Prof. Boulouchos on this topic as well!


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